Bee Removal in Phoenix

Bee Problems in Scottsdale, and around the valley

Swimming pools are a necessity in the valley, along with lush green grass.  Bees are attracted to both places, especially in the summer, but how do we coexist with them without taking away their water source?  To answer that question let’s first tackle one of the biggest problems we face around the valley and realistically around the world is water shortages.  Are there ways to conserve good drinking water without harming the creatures and environment around us?  Well, there are easy simple fixes and then there are complex fixes that can leave the everyday person and businessman perplexed.  In Phoenix we run the risks of having a drought year it seems every year.   There are numerous videos on the subject, but let’s consider the simple fixes that everyone can implement.

General Maintenance helps

Checking leaking faucets, changing old hoses, and even installing grey water systems are a few of the simple ways to fix water waste in Arizona.  Some other ways to conserve water are to start implementing mulch systems around plants and trees that help maintain water longer near the roots of the trees throughout the hot months.

Fixing leaks

But how will fixing small water leaks around my house and business help keep bees away?  Bees are attracted to the water puddles that tend to form around leaking pipes and even pool houses.  Fixing all of these problems help to conserve water but also helps to keep bees away.  The closer a beehive is to a location with water, the easier they will be able to collect water for that beehive.  Unfortunately this can result in scared kids and scared house guests.

Kiddy pools

One of the biggest problems though is not a leaking pipe or spigot, it is simply the pool.  There are so many pools that just simply become unbearable with bee activity especially in Phoenix where the bee swarms can be gigantic.  The simplest most effective way to combat the bee problem near a pool is to simple create another alternative water source for the bees to collect water.  Just simply Google Search for a kiddy pool and you will find one of the cheapest simplest ways to get rid of bees around your pool.

Bee Activity and science

During the summer the beehive needs to be cooled to at least 92 degrees.  This helps keep the honey comb from melting and the entire hive simply being destroyed.  The worker bees fly out from the hive up to a 5 mile radius to find a water source.  Once a water source is found they communicate to the rest of the bee hive where the water is located.  Flying naturally takes a lot of energy for a bee especially if it is 5 miles away, so the closer a water source is located to the bee hive, the better.   Simply do a Wiki search on how much honey a bee uses in 1 day for energy to see how flying around a lot can become a problem for the hive as a whole.

Putting it together

As you may have guessed already from the last 2 paragraphs, purchasing a kiddy pool and placing it closer to where the bees are flying from is the easiest solution to keep bees from landing in a pool.  First, watch the bees leave after they have landed near the pool and had their fill of water.  Second, follow a few of them until you see them disappear out of sight.  Note- it will usually be the same direction, if bees fly in various directions you are likely dealing with multiple hives. After you have discovered the typical flight lines of the bees, place the kiddy pools closer to those directions on your yard.  Once the pool is placed you will now have a closer source for the bees.

Drain your pool

Do you want to drain your pool?  To some people, this will not be a good thing, but if you happen to be doing a backwash this would be an ideal time to do one.  The best way to completely stop bees from drinking water from their established source is to drain the swimming pool and allow some time for the bees to become accustomed to the new kiddy pools as water sources.   This again can be time consuming; however, it has been found to be very effective.

How to get rid of bees

In order to really take care of your bee issue, you should call a professional bee keeper.  In particular, one who specializes in the removal process.  Price ranges are crazy in this area and a lot of the “Beekeepers” as they call themselves are actually exterminators.  A typical extermination will cost up to $1000 if done properly by removing honey and comb and bees.  A Professional beekeeper on the other hand will typically charge half that price for a typical hive removal, and the bees are being saved not killed.

What a Beekeeper can do

Simply put a beekeeper will come out and watch where the bees go and “catch the beehive”; however, if the hive is on your property you can describe your situation to them and the best professionals can quote you over the phone.  For instance the Top Phoenix Bee Removal Company locally owned and operated can do just as described.  Abello Bees is the company that the link connects to and they have gained a very good reputation all over the valley the past few years.

Become a Beekeeper

One final solution we can highly suggest is to become a beekeeper yourself.  It is a fun hobby that can bring in honey, and even money!  Don’t let the thought that you are a normal guy or gal who lives in the city and has never had an inkling to start a crazy apiary stop you.  There are resources all over the internet and particularly on YouTube.  Again the Abellos have quite the channel that is fun and educational and also very helpful to new budding beekeepers.   Who wouldn’t want to learn first-hand how to help nature.

Thanks for reading

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